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Monday, November 24, 2014

Practicing Perfection by Practicing Perfection | Fantasy Magazine

Practicing Perfection by Practicing Perfection | Fantasy Magazine

Practicing Perfection

Amber never regretted becoming a giant, though she ached with the
walking. It didn’t matter; she rejoiced to ride so high upon her long
bones, never minding the precarious balance. She’d done it to be close
to the angels.

She never saw the things the angels fought, way up there in the
sun-white sky. She never knew the battles that they won. She only knew
that every once in a while, an angel lost. She’d find him, then, as she
trudged along the foot of the high stone wall that stretched across the
face of the world.

Always on the wall. Always clutched by vines, whose job, it seemed, was to prevent an angel falling, desecrated, to the ground....

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